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Heavy burned magnesia enterprises will be narrowed by cheap labor.

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Heavy burned magnesia enterprises will be narrowed by cheap labor.

Release date:2017-05-06 Author:双杰耐火 Click:

Reburning magnesia enterprises to improve the corporate social responsibility system, more to improve the value-added and quality of products, rather than simply rely on low labor force to win at low cost.

Many Chinese enterprises do not agree with the title of "sweatshop", and sometimes even call it "trade barrier" conspiracy. Admittedly, Chinese commodities do encounter unfair treatment, but they are collectively called "barriers". "Sweatshops" are not unique to China. They are boycotted by the international community. They are not just "sweatshops" in China.

The cause of the "sweatshop" is complicated.

Cheap labor has always been China's advantage, but labor-intensive industries are not the same as the lowest value chain of the industry. In fact, look at what is known as the "sweatshop" of China's few enterprises, the pillar of survival is the order of multinational companies. Multinational companies must require low price products to ensure their profits. Under the pressure of low price purchasing of multinational companies, "forcing employees to work overtime" and "reducing the welfare of employees" are the important means for some enterprise owners to guarantee their own income.

The toy industry is an example. Although the international toy manufacturers association's code of social responsibility for business implementation next year is purely voluntary, the participation of international giants has turned voluntary into coercion. Production companies can't get orders if they do not comply, but compliance with the rules means that the original meager profits have become even more insignificant, and some companies have already exclaimed "disaster". In the media coverage, we can see that the source of profits of toy manufacturers is processing fees, and the treatment of workers and profits of enterprises have become a dilemma. Under such circumstances, increasing the treatment of workers is no longer a simple moral issue, but rather an industrial issue.

Like the toy industry, Chinese manufacturing enterprises are often "wage earners" of multinational companies and are at the low end of the industrial value chain with low added value. Being regarded as a "sweatshop" and being asked to bear social responsibility, it brings a wake up to China's labor intensive enterprises: the profit model for processing fees has been unsustainable.

Social responsibility is already a global standard. Chinese enterprises should make up for missed lessons. For example, we often talk about the standard of social moral responsibility. Many Chinese enterprises always believe that this is something imposed by the western world on China. In fact, the thing referred to as SA8000 is only a folk certification. It is widely recognized by the international community that this folk rule becomes cosmopolitan.